
Cant Delete Everything in W10 Software Distribution Download Folder

Cant Delete Everything in W10 Software Distribution Download Folder

SoftwareDistribution folder
in Windows operating system is a folder located in the
Windows directory
and used to temporarily store files that may exist required to install Windows Update on your reckoner. Information technology is thus required past Windows Update and maintained by WUAgent.


SoftwareDistribution folder location


The Software Distribution binder in Windows 11/10/viii/seven is situated in the following location in File Explorer:


On my figurer is size is effectually 1 MB, but its size could vary.

Is it safe to delete SoftwareDistribution binder

While you practice not desire to bear on this folder under normal weather, you may demand to empty its contents should you find that your system’s Datastore and the Download folder have got de-synchronized, resulting in your Windows Updates not working properly.

It is generally speaking safe to delete the contents of the Software Distribution folder, once all files required by it have been used for installing Windows Update. Even if you delete files otherwise, they will get automatically downloaded. If you were to delete the folder itself, information technology volition get automatically re-created and the required WU components downloaded automatically.

However, this information store besides contains your Windows Update History files. If you delete them you will lose your Update history. Moreover, the adjacent fourth dimension yous run Windows Update, it will result in a longer detection fourth dimension.

If your Windows Update is not working properly or not working at all or if yous discover that the size of this folder has actually grown large, then you can consider deleting the Software Distribution folder in Windows 11/10/viii/seven.

If information technology is simply the size, and then if you use Disk Cleanup Tool and opt to
Clean up System Files
on your System Drive, then Windows Update components & Delivery Optimization files , yous volition find that the size of this folder will get substantially reduced. Just if you are facing Windows Update issues, then you flushing this binder has been known to aid fix several problems like Windows Update not working, Windows Updates fail to install, Failure configuring Windows updates, Windows Update stuck downloading updates, We couldn’t complete the updates, Windows 10 keeps installing the same update and so on.

Delete Software Distribution folder

To delete the contents of the Software Distribution folder, in Windows 10, from the WinX Menu, open Control Prompt (Admin). Type the following one after the other and hit Enter:

        cyberspace stop
cyberspace end bits

This will end the Windows Update Service and the Background Intelligent Transfer Service.

software distribution folder

Now scan to the
folder and delete all the files and folders inside.

Y’all may printing Ctrl+A to Select All and and so click on Delete.

If the files are in use, and yous are unable to delete some files, restart your device. After rebooting, run the higher up commands again. Now you will exist able to delete the files from the mentioned
Software Distribution

After you have emptied this folder, yous may restart your computer or you may type the following commands, one at a time in the CMD, and hit Enter to restart the Windows Update related Services.

        cyberspace start
net start bits

Now that folder has been flushed, information technology volition now get populated anew.

Rename SoftwareDistribution folder

If you wish to rename the Software Distribution binder, open an elevated control prompt windows, type the following commands one afterward the other, and hitting Enter:

net end wuauserv
net stop bits
rename c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak
net start wuauserv
net start bits

Alternatively, you may also kicking Windows into Safe Mode, and rename
or SoftwareDistribution.old.

TIP: Our portable freeware FixWin allows you to reset this and about other Windows settings or functions with a single click.

fixwin 10.1

Hope you lot notice the post useful.

Want to learn more nearly the post-obit folders?

$SysReset binder | $Windows.~BT & $Windows.~WS folders | | Windows.old folder | Catroot & Catroot2 folders | REMPL binder | $WinREAgent folder |  System32 and SysWOW64 folders.


Cant Delete Everything in W10 Software Distribution Download Folder


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